MDFR provide entertainment, reminiscence resources, reality orientation, self care reminders and much more. They want to invest in high quality mics to improve the quality and variety of their content.
What's the project?
A dementia friendly radio station providing entertainment, reminiscence resources, reality orientation, signposting, self care reminders and safety information to those living in the Merseyside area whose lives are affected by dementia.
When will the project start?
The radio station is currently broadcasting online.
Which areas does MDFR reach?
The whole of Merseyside.
How would you spend £500?
During this time of social distancing, it's of massive importance that those who may already experience feelings of isolation stay engaged and are encouraged to participate with, and enjoy, content that is specifically produced to help combat such feelings.
High quality audio recordings are vital for our station. Many of those living with dementia will experience perception issues which means that poor quality audio can result in confusion and distress. Being awarded £750 would allow us to invest is four RVX6 multipattern USB condenser microphones. These are high quality 'plug & play' microphones, that don't require any complicated set up procedure. This will mean that those willing to contribute invaluable content can be sent a very easy to use means of making higher quality online audio recordings from home, thus enabling us to provide more varied content. Examples of such content and its importance are: People living with dementia and/or their carers sharing experiences, advice, stories and jokes.
This will be beneficial to those making the recordings as it will give them a chance to express themselves and give them a sense of agency in the station whilst maintaining their feeling of belonging in the dementia community and to those involved in dementia related research appealing for participants in their research, discussing projects and reporting back on their findings. This benefits those involved in the research as it provides them with a platform from which to talk about their projects rather than it being published in a paper with limited availability. It will also benefit the listeners as it will keep them up to date with the cutting edge research being conducted.
Those who provide dementia related advice, services and products will be participating in interviews to ensure that their message gets to those that will benefit from it most. Voice artists will be able to read stories to engage the listener during times in which 'sundowning' can be an issue, and they'll also be able to record self care reminders and guided exercise routines. These are important for the health and well being of the listener.
You can check out more about MDFR online: